Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Countdown...

Last Sunday I had this blog post all ready to go, lost internet connection and then lost everything I had done.  Needless to say I was a bit frustrated.  So this is the second go-round.  Mostly pictures :0)   It has been a busy time.  It’s so crazy how the weeks fly by, especially as we anticipate leaving.  The countdown is on.  There are people and places we’d still like to visit and things to experience.  Here’s hoping we can fit it all in, which may be impossible but we’ll sure try. 

Probably my favorite things over the last two weeks were spending Thanksgiving with some great missionaries, learning from President Lusvardi at Mission Training, participating in our Nauvoo Christmas Walk, seeing almost a thousand Nativity displays in Peoria, Illinois, and serving at Nauvoo on the Road on Saturday. Great ways to spread Christmas cheer, focus on the Savior and serve.

In Mission Training last Wednesday we reviewed what President Nelson said in October Conference about the upcoming Bicentennial of the First Vision and how April Conference will be different than any other we have participated in.  I had to ask myself, ‘How am I preparing for that event? Am I doing anything do be spiritually ready so that I will feel and learn all that I can?’  We looked at the elements of the Restoration that happened here in Nauvoo.  There are so many!  We discussed a few of them together and then had time to find some on our own.  Then President Lusvardi asked, “What is the Lord restoring to you personally here in Nauvoo now?  What part of “continuing revelation” do you receive here?”  He reminded us that President Nelson said the Restoration is ongoing, and it is ongoing through our own personal revelation.  It was a powerful way to look at it.  I don’t know, President just has a way of framing his instruction to make me want to be better and do better. 

Here are just a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Thanksgiving dinner...

Enjoying way too much food with awesome missionaries...
Barney, Munoa, Monaco

Monaco & Simmons (front table),
Richins, Warner, Jensen and Robbins (back table)

Trying his hand at spinning in the Family Living Center :0)

In the Council Room at Brigham Young's home.

A little carriage ride break from office work;
Cornwell, Crump, Munoa, Quirl & Robertson

If you think that all we do is hang out and might be right!
A delicious meal with some missionaries we love; Flanders & Stokes

During the Carthage Caroling activity I received the "responsibility" to
pass out cinnamon rolls and donuts.  Well, someone had to do it!

In Peoria, Illinois at a Nativity Festival.  Over 800 Nativity sets...stunning!

One of my favorites.

This display down the middle of the room had over 950 Fontanini figurines that
depicted the life of the Savior, from his birth through his life and death.

We had the chance to serve with "Nauvoo on the Road" in Albia, Iowa.
Playing pioneer games, making rope, talking about family history and just
visiting with people who came was so much fun!


This is a first...Elder Keeton showing Santa
how to make a quality rope.

Albia had the coolest train setup.  Seven tracks in the middle and
more on the ends.  My favorite was the one with flatbed cards
hauling John Deere equipment.  Only in Iowa!

The Visitors' Center lunch bunch for the day...
Robertson, Scott, Quirl, Cornwell & Jensen.

Missionaries sing "Light Up the Tree".

The Nativity scene during our Christmas Walk
to celebrate the Savior's birth.

Horse drawn Christmas wagons add to the atmosphere.

A little story time action in the Print Shop.  
I read Thomas S. Monson's book, The Christmas Train.

If you are interested, we will speak in church on Sunday December 29 at 12:00 noon at the Summerhill Ward (12070 S. Laurel Chase Drive, Riverton).  You are invited to come by our home at afterwards to visit (1146 West Greasewood Drive).     

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Have a grateful day!

Each week that passes by, and it gets closer and closer to our leaving Nauvoo in December, Scott and I get a little more nostalgic.  We have thought a lot about the many experiences we have had, the people we’ve had the opportunity to serve with, the streets we’ve walked, and the inspiring pioneers we’ve learned about. Most of all we have talked about how we have changed and learned more about the Savior and his love for us.  To know that he has provided us with these experiences is humbling.  We hope we have done our best to be his servants. We also know how grateful we are to family members and friends who have supported us in so many different ways. We could not have focused on serving well without your help. See, there I go, getting all sentimental.  I think that’s going to happen more and more as our time here draws to a close.  So get used to it :0)

Probably our favorite experience this week was having President and Sister Lusvardi in our home for a visit.  We love them and are grateful Heavenly Father saw fit to have our paths cross.  What a blessing they have been in our lives.

As this is Thanksgiving week, I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Heavenly Father for the blessings of each and every day.  I want to live in thanksgiving daily.  How can I not be grateful?  God has given me everything.  How can I not serve him as a way to express that gratitude?  That’s why it is a blessing to me to serve as his missionary.  So, with that, I say…Have a grateful day!

Crossing the Mississippi River to Fort Madison as the sun was setting.

Some serious renovation going on at Heber C. Kimball's home. 
We're hoping they have it complete before we leave.

My very favorite missionary companion :0)