Sunday, May 13, 2018

Come listen to a prophet's voice...or have him come to you!

There had been anticipation in the air about our Mission Conference since it was announced two weeks ago. Pres. Lusvardi wouldn’t tell us who was coming to speak, just that it was someone we would recognize.  We had mission training to go over the protocol for the meeting which seemed odd to us. We closed the historic sites at 11:30, went home to change clothes etc and then headed to the Visitors Center. The doors opened at 12:20 and we were to be in our seats by 12:30 and be reverent until the meeting began at 1:00. There was quite a bit of security.  President Lusvardi gave us specific instructions on our behavior/decorum. No video or audio, no pictures of the speaker. We sat there waiting and there was a great deal of suspense.  There were ten chairs up on the podium, water bottles next to the chairs, and beautiful flowers. Other than a sister playing prelude, it was totally quiet.

After waiting for over a half an hour,  the guests walked in and we all stood. It was......President Nelson and his wife Wendy, Elder M. Russell Ballard, Sheri Dew, Richard Irion President of the Nauvoo Temple and his wife Gloria, (who is President Nelson’s daughter), and Elder Staheli and his wife.  Oh my heart!!

I just cannot completely express how I felt when President Nelson walked into the room.  I immediately teared up and then couldn’t stop the tears. I realized I needed to or I wouldn’t actually be able to see him through my tears :0)  I watched him intently throughout our half an hour with him.  He was so vibrant, sitting on the edge of his seat, totally focusing on whoever was speaking at the moment. His expressions of love afterwards were heartfelt; he waved to us and then blew a kiss.  I have known, since he was sustained, that he was a prophet of God.  But at that moment I felt it deep in my heart.

I would like to share just a few things that I learned and felt that day.
·      The leadership of the church has a sense of humor.  We saw that in the funny little things they said, like Elder Ballard, “You have no idea what it’s like to be a junior companion to the President of the Church!” Or President Nelson asking for a sustaining vote in wishing Elder Staheli a happy birthday.
·      The priesthood keys are real.  When President Nelson entered the room what we felt was the power of ALL of those priesthood keys that he holds.
·      I was reminded how much the church recognizes the contributions of the women to its growth and strength.  Elder Ballard said that the work cannot be done without the women of the church and he blessed the women in our mission to be able to feel the power of the Restoration.
·      Sister Wendy Nelson has witnessed President Nelson receiving revelation.
·      President Nelson thanked us for what we are doing to advance the work of the Lord.  He said that Nauvoo is a hallowed place, hallowed by these ancestors and their heritage is our heritage.
·      He bore a powerful testimony that this is the work of the Almighty God and that we are here to bless the lives of other people.

Being there, in that Mission Conference, to be in the presence of the prophet of God, was an experience that I hope to always have in my memory and in my heart. Hopefully the mission photographer will share some of the pictures he took on that day since we were asked not to.  As soon as I get the pictures I'll add them to the blog.

This past week Scott had the chance to serve in the Browning Gun Shop and the Riser Boot shop for the first time.  Actually, this was the first week that we have not served together.  He has loved learning about Jonathan Browning and George Riser.  They each made contributions here in Nauvoo, although Jonathan Browning’s influence today is felt worldwide.  

I was in the bakery and the Cultural Hall (Masonic Hall) for the first time.  Lucious Scovil, who ran the bakery, was an amazing person who had the best interest of Nauvoo at heart. He was very generous to his friends, neighbors, the building of the Cultural Hall as well as the Nauvoo temple.  

Scott and I were talking the other morning about how we can we learn so much information in such little time.  Between us we have served in twelve different sites and for each one of those sites there are names, dates and stories that we need to remember. We feel that we really are blessed and helped by those who lived here and whose stories we tell.  They have a vested interest in what we teach and share about their lives. Their examples of dedication to the Savior and the gospel touch the hearts of the visitors. Those pioneers help us connect with the visitors and help them feel the spirit of this place.

These pictures are in the Family Living Center...

This is the rug that Elder Adam's is
making for us on the loom.

The Riser Boot shop.

Serving at the Browning Gun Shop

At the home of Wilford Woodruff.

On my morning walk.

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