Sunday, November 18, 2018

Testimony Builders

The winter days are upon us and it really is beautiful here.  Cold but beautiful.  Like a typical week, we've served in the historic sites and I've been in the office a couple of days.  The office is never, ever slow or dull.  Which is the way I like it.  I try to get my responsibilities taken care of, be helpful with the technology part of things, and try to help the mission run more smoothly.  I love the people I work with, which is a blessing in and of itself.

I've had three small testimony builders this week.  I say small because that's really what they were, but each experience just solidified the testimony I already have.  So that's what I'd like to share this week.  

I’ve been reading the Book of Mormon (Pres. Nelson’s invitation) and the other day I was reading about Korihor, the Anti-Christ.  His big beef was that no one could prove that there really is a God.  Thankfully, Alma sees things as they really are and set him straight.  He says that all things denote there is a God.  As I was reading it I just had the strong confirmation that, yes, there really is a God and it is so clear to me.  Just look around at the beauties of nature here, and the power of the spirit here.  I wholeheartedly agree with Almaall things denote there is a God, and that is especially true here in Nauvoo.

The other tender mercy of following President Nelson’s invitation was a small but significant experience I had on Wednesday morning.  Before I began reading the Book of Mormon I bowed my head and just asked that I would know that what I was reading was true.  So clear to my mind came the words, “Duh!  You already know this book is true.”   And my heart confirmed it.  Two witnesses, my mind and my heart.

  On Sunday morning I got up and kind of had a blah attitude.  I don’t really know why.  Some days are like that, just another day we go through.  But I wanted it to be a different day.  As we were headed to church, I just said a silent little prayer that somehow I would feel it, I would feel a connection with Christ and his atonement.  The meeting began and Scott sat with the other priesthood men who were going to pass the sacrament.  So I sat alone.  We sang the sacrament hymn, "He Died the Great Redeemer Died" and as we got to the third verse and I sang the words…"Here’s love and grief beyond degree; The Lord of glory died for men.  But lo! What sudden joys were heard!  The Lord, though dead, revived again.”  Then. It came without warning.  Boom! I was overcome with the spirit and I knew, once again, that Christ really did atone for my sins and there really were sudden joys heard in the heavens because of his sacrifice.  I love that my Heavenly Father gives me those reminders of what really matters.  

  So there you have it.  Three simple testimonies.  Nothing to shout about, but more building blocks. That's really how things work with our testimonies.  Very few people have those grand experiences. And sometimes, like Laman and Lemuel, those grand experiences don't do the trick.  But it's the line upon line, precept upon precept concept that is at the heart of our testimonies.  They create that sure foundation.

  I am grateful for a testimony that is built that way, here a little, there a little.  I am grateful to be here where the early saints built their testimonies day by day.  I am grateful for the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ that provides the way for me to return to him, step by step. 

Celebrating Elder & Sister Robison's anniversary
with the mission office staff.
Left side: President & Sister Lusvardi, E/S Swanson
E/S Thatcher and S. Williams
Right side: E/S Bingham, E/S Robison, E/S Crump
and E. Williams

Fire prep time at the Family Living Center.  I made eight loaves
of bread that day and forgot to take a picture.  I think it was
because we were all too focused on cutting into
a hot loaf of Nauvoo bread :0)

I don't know if you can see it very well, but in the right corner
of the picture is a downy woodpecker.  That was his favorite  
spot on the Family Living Center wall.  We  heard 
his tap, tap, tap, from 9:30 to 4:00!

The well at the back of Wilford Woodruff's home.

The setting sun along the fence line.

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