Sunday, December 16, 2018

Christmas Every Day

Heber C. Kimball Home winter25.jpg  
Heber C. Kimball's home by Al Rounds.  We go past this home each morning on our way to our various assignments.  We love it.

I have been thinking about Christmas being just one week away.  The time has passed so quickly.  But I have also come to one very important conclusion, and it's this: Serving a mission in Nauvoo is Christmas,  How do you feel on Christmas morning? Excited? Full of love? Peace? Contentment? Exhaustion?  Well, those are the feelings I have while serving here.  If we have to be away from home on Christmas, this is the best place to be.  

This week for the Light the World campaign, the focus is Light Your Family.  What can you do this week to light your own family?  How can you lift them, serve them and love them more?  Just something to think about.  We can each make a difference in our own small way.

This week we went to see some Christmas lights in Keokuk.  They have what’s called the City of Christmas light display.  We took a large van full of missionaries; the Flanders, Swansons, Dares, President and Sister Lusvardi and us.  It’s one of those displays that you drive through to enjoy the lights. We’ve been to that kind before and they are usually about $30 a carload.  This one was totally free (you could make a donation at the end if you wanted). Each of the displays was donated by some local business, church or family, so they could do it at no cost. That’s what made it all so unique. We had a fun evening  together.

If you'll remember, two weeks ago on December 1st, our mission hosted the Nauvoo Christmas Walk.  We had a repeat performance again on the 15th.  The second go-round was extremely well attended.  The Nauvoo Temple missionaries are back from their three month hiatus, so it was great to be able to have them come.  The event was mostly the same as the first one, with just a few improvements. I appreciated all of the work that the missionaries put in to make it a great night for everyone.

Here are a few pictures from this week: 

Hyrum Smith's farm, on the edge of town to the northeast.

This was a fun home in Nauvoo that has computerized
lights that change colors.

After seeing the lights we made a requested stop at Dairy Queen.
Elder & Sister Dare in the front, Elder & Sister Flanders on the left,
and Elder & Sister Swanson on the right.
With President & Sister Lusvardi

At the City of Christmas in Keokuk, Iowa.

Christmas Walk V.2

It's always a very sad day when they have to cut down a tree
in Historic Nauvoo :0(    This one was next to the Browning Gun Shop.

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