What a weird weather week
it has been. It was raining at the
beginning of the week and then the temperatures plummeted to well below zero. This caused freezing rain and a layer of ice
on almost everything; our front and back stairs, the van, the roads and every
walkway. The historic sites were closed off and on throughout the week. All of this just added to my admiration for the pioneers who endured this kind of weather continuously.
So because we spent more time at home this week than usual and didn't go out and do anything, I had more time to study, learn and do a little pondering. This week's post is a bit more philosophical than usual. So for what it's worth, here are my ponderings this week...
Wednesday night we had Mission Training and President Lusvardi wanted us to
learn from the teaching style of President Nelson and other members of the Twelve. We talked about invitations and
promises. If you go back and read talks
given by President Nelson he always invites and promises. Sometimes he gives a brief personal
experience. But always an invitation and
a promise. We discussed how we
can use that same technique as we teach in the historic sites and other
places. So, as a result of that training, everything
I read now I think of it in terms of invitations and promises. Today the Sunday Relief Society lesson was
taken from Elder Rasband’s talk from October General Conference, “Be Not Troubled”. It’s a great talk about walking the covenant
path, trusting in the Lord, doing your part, and centering our thoughts on
Christ. All of this to help us "be not troubled." I made a list of over 20
invitations and promises that Elder Rasband gave. As I looked at that list I thought, ‘And now
what? That’s a lot of stuff!” Then I looked at the list again and realized
that there was one invitation that he mentioned that really covered all of the
rest. “Center our thoughts on Jesus
Christ.” That’s it. That’s really the key to everything
else. Now I know that’s not a novel
concept. We are told to “look unto me in
every thought, doubt not, fear not.” And “…talk of Christ, rejoice in Christ,
preach of Christ…”. But, in reality, if I center my thoughts on Christ, then EVERYTHING
else falls into place. I am in holy
places, I have love and charity, and I am serving. I am
seeking, obedient, humble, believing, and trusting.
So now my next question to myself was ‘How do I do that? How do I center
my thoughts on Christ?’ Elder Rasband mentions being in holy places, like the
temple and serving. I also know that if I
immerse myself in the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, it’s so much
easier to think on Christ. The promises Elder Rasband made to us if we do follow his invitations include surviving spiritually, having fear dispelled, finding answers, feeling God's love, receiving heavenly help, and receiving personal revelation. Aren't those all blessings and promises we each are seeking?
whole idea of invitations and blessings is very intriguing to me. I think that no matter what I want to enjoy
in this life, there is an invitation and a promise for it. As I sat in sacrament meeting this morning I paid
close attention to the hymns we sang.
Yep, there they were, invitations and promises. I studied my patriarchal blessing, more
invitations and promises. I thought
about the temple covenants I have made. There
they were again. Invitations and promises. Not to belabor the point but, maybe that’s
not just how President Nelson teaches, maybe that’s the pattern of our
Heavenly Father. Not maybe, it is. He wants to bless us so he invites us to follow Him and promises incredibly amazing things if we do.
my invitation to you is to pay closer attention to every invitation and promise
that comes your way; in Conference talks, scriptures, music, your own patriarchal blessing, Sunday
lessons, and other inspired counsel from leaders, then act on those invitations, and as you do the promises that were made will be
fulfilled. I have seen it happen throughout my life. Those who give God their best receive the best He has to offer.
And that's my rambling for the week :0)
Rain and then temps well below zero created a layer of ice all over everything, including the van. |
The roads look wet but it's actually a sheet of ice. This is when I'm grateful for my ice cleats. |
Scott and I had the chance to serve together at Heber C. Kimball's home. He's our next door neighbor :0) |
I really enjoyed your post Dez that gives me
ReplyDeleteSomething to notice in everything