Sunday, March 24, 2019

Another happy week :0)

Well, the week has flown by and I’m not sure where it really went.  On Wednesday morning we had Mission Training and President Lusvardi shared a bit about his experiences as he was in Rome for the temple dedication.  It just filled my heart with happiness to think that the Twelve Apostles were gathered together to honor the original Twelve in such a historic place.  Here’s a link to a story that I love about that historic day:  Twelve Apostles Together in Rome Italy

When I spoke in Sacrament Meeting today on the topic of diligence, I made reference to Lucius Scovil and his dedication to heeding a call to serve a mission to England, even if it meant leaving his family in the care of others in Iowa. He and his family had fled Nauvoo and were heading west with the other hopeful saints when the call came to Lucius.  This was his response, “It seemed like a painful duty for me to perform, to leave my family to go into the wilderness and I to turn and go the other way.  But inasmuch as I had been appointed to go, I was determined to fill my mission if it cost me all that I had on this earth… I thought it was best to round up my shoulders like a bold soldier of the corps… and assist in the rolling forth of the kingdom of God.”  I am grateful to be in a place that honors the memory of these diligent and dedicated saints. They are an example to me each day to give all I have in His service.

Here are just a few pictures of the week:

Another Mississippi River Sunset. 
The ice is all melted off and spring is on its way.

An evening view of the Seventies Hall and the Temple.

On my morning walk.  It was almost a
full moon over Lucy Mack Smith's home.

We did our last FaceTime with Cami's class
at the George Riser Boot Shop.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

All things denote there is a God.

There have been some weeks throughout this winter that I haven't had much to say in these blog posts.  This week, however, I have plenty to write about. It has been a spiritually uplifting and energizing week.  We continued to prepare for the new senior missionary couples that arrived on Thursday and did our final practices for the Relief Society Organization Re-enactment. It seemed like the week was non-stop from morning till night.

Wednesday was a crazy, busy day in the office.  After work I headed home, fixed some dinner and started some laundry.  I had a headache and was so wanting to just kick back and relax for the evening.  But Heavenly Father has a way of reaching out and touching us.  I was urged by the spirit to go for a walk.  I didn’t want to, but before I knew it I had changed clothes and was heading out the door.  Scott was working on his talk for Sunday and couldn’t go with me.

As I left the house I thought to myself, maybe there’s someone Heavenly Father wants me to cross paths with tonight, that’s why I need to go walking. It was a calm evening and the skies were pretty clear.  As I walked north along Main Street I noticed the sun reflecting off of the temple.  I stopped to take a couple of pictures and then noticed a small rainbow appearing to the south of the temple.  I hurried up the hill toward the temple, hoping to catch a picture with both the temple AND the rainbow.  What happened next is just so hard to put into words.  It was Heavenly Father, reaching out and touching my heart, and saying to not worry or stress over anything, He was in charge and would take care of everything.  A beautiful rainbow appeared, arching over the top of the temple, from north to south.  I was in the right place at the right time to see it all.  I was able to take some amazing pictures as the colors of the sky changed.  Once the rainbow disappeared I turned around to look at the sunset and it didn’t disappoint.  It was just powerful. 

As I walked home I was full of peace, and calm and happiness.  Heavenly Father knew how worn out I was and, without my even asking, lifted my heart and soul.  He let me know that He was aware of even my smallest struggles and was anxious to set my heart right.  He is always there and in control.

I set out on my evening walk, under a mostly clear sky.

Then this is what I noticed.

The rainbow grew.

Behind the William Gheen home.

The colors continued to change.

It's just hard to describe how beautiful this scene was,
and how happy it made my heart.

Saturday was a fun day as we participated in the Relief Society Organization Re-enactment.  177 years ago today the Relief Society was organized in the upper room of Joseph Smith's Red Brick Store.  We had a Reader's Theater that portrayed that event and I played the part of Sarah Granger Kimball.  It was in the parlor of her home where the idea to organize a group of women to sew clothing for the men who were working on the temple began.  From that group of a few ambitious women came an organization that has blessed people throughout the world. Participating in the re-enactment helped me understand the significance of it all.  The experience was another tender mercy from my Heavenly Father.

Joseph and Emma
(A.K.A. Elder and Sister Corder)

Willard Richards, Joseph Smith & John Taylor
(A.K.A. Elders Whiting, Corder and Weldon)

L to R, Back Row: Sisters Weldon, Davies, Rollins, Corder, Whiting, Green,
Lusvardi and Wadley.  Front Row: Paxman, Craner, Crump and Thatcher.

A bit distorted, but a panoramic picture of the upper room of the Red Brick Store.

On the wagon ride with Sister Rollins,
photo bombed by Sister Whiting :0)

Yeah, it was one of those days :0)