Sunday, July 14, 2019

It's Finally Here!

The crowds have arrived!  Pageant season has officially started; buses of youth fill the parking lots, the baptistry in the temple is in constant use with added morning hours, crowds gather to hear the vignettes by the pageant core cast, and any historic site can have over a thousand visitors in one day. And this is just week #1.  It will continue for three more weeks.  Having so many people here who have a desire to learn and feel the spirit is just amazing. Even as busy as it is, we still love it!  We go from serving in our daily assignments, to performing in Sunset by the Mississippi and then are off to be in the finale of the British Pageant. It's exhausting and yet exciting all at the same time.

We had a fun visit with Linsi Harward Peck, her husband Jonathan, and their cute family.  We were able to hang out with them a little bit and they came to Pioneer Pastimes while we were serving there.  It's just always so fun to have friends come visit! 

Wednesday was Mission Training and it was just what I needed, as usual.  Elder Don. R. Clarke, from the Second Quorum of Seventy and assistant Executive Director of the Missionary Department spoke to us.  He talked about staying strong and being converted. He said so many noteworthy things (literally), but there were a couple of things that stood out to me:

1.     Many missionaries are called to serve specifically with their mission presidents.  I know I was called to serve here with President Lusvardi.  I have learned much from him about seeking revelation, focusing on prophetic priorities and doing the rough stuff with a smile.
2.    ALL of our service counts, even the things we think are small.  It all counts.
3.    There is no purpose in being here (in any meeting) if there is no determination to ACT. Do what the spirit inspires you to do.
4.    Repentance is changing, it is becoming, and it is uplifting.  It is the road to BECOMING more Christlike. I love the word BECOME.  I posted about this before, but BECOMING is a process.  It means we can continue to make mistakes and improve, move on and be better. There is no end to our BECOMING.   That is what the Atonement of Jesus Christ is all about…BECOMING. 

Pictures from the week:

Yet another former student...
Shellie Stephens & her husband Ben Paepke.
(Ben's brother Sam is a Young Performing Missionary
here in Nauvoo and I coached him in soccer.  Small world.)

Prepped and ready for our Pageant parking assignment.

With Linsi and some of her kids after "Sunset".

Linsi and her family trying out stilts at Pioneer Pastimes.
It was awesome to have them visit!

The Young Performing Missionaries gather children at
Pioneer Pastimes for stories and singing.

Teaching "Fox and Geese" to Sister Weyland, her dad and Elder Williams.

We love it when the Nauvoo Brass Band comes
and does a parade with the kids.

It's hard to get decent pictures of the Nauvoo and British Pageants,
but at least you can get a feel for what it's like.  Just come to Nauvoo
and you can see it for yourself!  Live and in person :0)

This night we watched the British Pageant.

The crowds waiting at Browning Gun in mid afternoon.
It's been slightly busy, but we love it!

President and Sister Lusvardi with Don R. Clarke -
of the Second Quorum of Seventy and
assistant Executive Director of the Missionary Department.

Elder Clarke taught us about what it means to be
converted and how to stay strong and firm to the end.

Elder Clarke bore a heartfelt testimony of
Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.

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