Sunday, November 17, 2019

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven..." - Rev. 14:6

What?! November is halfway over!  The fall leaves are pretty much gone and it’s time to prepare for winter.  I have noticed that the squirrels feel the same way.  They are all over the place, dashing from tree to tree, attempting to collect nuts for their winter stash. It just cracks me up to watch them.  I think that in my pre-mission life I was much like those squirrels, hurrying from place to place, so focused on my destination that I didn’t notice the cars on the road that almost squashed me! One of the blessings of life in Nauvoo is the feeling of peace and calmness I always have.  Even when Nauvoo is busy there is still a sense of peace and calm.  Maybe that’s because this is the Lord’s consecrated place, we are his covenant people and we have a focus that is on him. He brings peace and calm.

The most eventful thing that happened this week was the Angel Moroni Exchange :0)  On June 28th there was a severe thunderstorm that came through Nauvoo and lightning struck the angel Moroni atop the temple.  He was a bit charred, so on Tuesday the Church brought in two very large cranes and swapped out the blackened statue with a brand new, shiny statue.  The whole process took about four and a half hours.  The cranes were assembled, a practice run was done and then the actual exchange took place.  It was a beautiful sight when Moroni was once again bright and new. 

The day's event gave me reason to think more about the temple, the covenants we receive, the “spiritual treasures” (as President Nelson calls them), and the revelation that is possible in the temple.  I love spending time in the temple.  It is another way I feel peace.  Being in the temple, and having the temple in me, calms my heart. Sister Mary Cook, Elder Quentin L. Cook’s wife, recently said, “Every time we visit the temple and perform ordinances there, we are walking on holy ground.  We are walking where Jesus walks.  No wonder we feel His love so powerfully when we are in His temple.”   So my invitation is to take time this week...go and walk where Jesus walks.  You will feel his love and you will find more peace.

Moroni after the lightning strike in June.

The cranes get ready for the job.

The view of the two large cranes from the bottom of the temple hill.

I don't think I could be one of the guys in the basket!

Detaching the old Moroni.

A strange sight...the temple without the statue.

New Moroni...ready for flight.

Making the connection.


Can't resist...

The statues of Joseph and Brigham looking west across the river.

A frosty river's edge.

Our evening walk...

Wilford keeping an eye on his home.  

Things are looking a little bare, but still beautiful.

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