Sunday, April 28, 2019

Consider the lilies of the field...

Spring continues to put on a show.  This weekend we went to the temple and the grounds around the temple were nearly as beautiful as the inside.  I believe there's a scripture about that..."Consider the lilies of the field (in this case, the tulips and trees on the temple grounds), how they grow...that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." - Matt. 6:26 

On Friday Scott and I served at Pioneer Pastimes.  That's the first time it’s been open this year.  We had 35 preschoolers and kindergarteners come and it was exhausting!  They were only going to stay for one hour, during which they would take time to eat their lunches and play the pioneer games.  They ended up staying an extra hour.  They were cute though, playing  ”house" in the north cabin, climbing all over the wooden lamb and horse, and playing the other games.  Some had a hard time using the equipment as it was meant to be used. For example, the tug-o-war rope became a whip as well as a human sling shot and the dowels for the Graces game were used as swords and bats.  But it was a lot of fun to watch the kids play in ways that they usually don’t get to, free and imaginative.  It was a great place to serve on a beautiful day!

Each week we have two nights that we practice for "Sunset by the Mississippi".  We are in the blue cast.  The red and yellow casts practice on the other days of the week.  Every practice we improve just a bit and hopefully by the time we have our dress rehearsal on May 24th we will have it all down.  There are five songs that we are learning the words to and dances for four of them.  That's a lot to ask from this person who neither sings nor dances!  It gives me a total brain cramp just thinking about it!  But it'll happen.  In one fashion or another :0)

This week I've been thinking about the question that Jesus asks the Pharisees in Matthew 22, "What think ye of Christ?"  Well, do I even think of Christ?  Often? How much of my time is even devoted to thinking of him?  I do take time to study the Sunday lessons, say my prayers, and read the Book of Mormon every day.  But other than that, do I really think of him throughout my day? I can tell you right now, that’s one area I can greatly improve upon.  I let other things, other tasks, fill my mind before I think of him.  So that’s the invitation, think MORE of him.  And if I think about him and his example,  it will be easier for me to be like him.  I will be able to love as he loved and serve more like he served.

This is from last week, Easter Sunday, in the Women's Garden.

My favorite of the day...

Setting up for Pioneer Pastimes.

So there's a story behind this...
Elder and Sister Childers have been to this place in Hagerstown, MD called
Krumpe's Do-Nuts (pronounced Crump-ees).  They promise that it's the best
donut place on the planet.  Elder Childers often calls out to Scott and I, "Hey Krumpes!"
from across the room.  The man has no shame.  But we love him :0)  The Childers have a
son who lives not far from Krumpe's and he teaches seminary.  A little while back I helped
 them FaceTime with their son's early morning seminary class.  When I say "early morning",
that's exactly what I mean.  Early Morning.  So when he actually brought his seminary class to
Nauvoo two weeks ago they gave me a shirt from Krumpe's Do-Nuts as a thank you. 
I wear it with pride!

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