Monday, April 15, 2019

Seminary, Lincoln, News & Keys...

This week has flown by and been very busy.  Spring is trying to make an appearance and it brings so much hope.  I love it.  

We had the opportunity this week to FaceTime a seminary class in Sheridan Wyoming and give them a virtual tour of Nauvoo.  We did it on both Thursday and Friday morning.  It was a lot of fun.  We talked about Joseph, Wilford, John and Brigham.  We shared the stories of their dedication to the building of the temple and priesthood keys.  I hope the students were able to learn a little bit about Nauvoo, but more importantly, feel the spirit of Nauvoo.  

On Saturday we went with a group of missionaries to Springfield to see some of the Lincoln historic sites.  Even though we had been there before Scott was happy to go again to be their tour guide.  We had a fun day with them and I learned a bit more about Lincoln.  

I just wanted to share two bits of fun Crump family news.  First of all, Matthew proposed to Shannon Jensen on Friday and we are so excited to add a new member to the Crumpbunch!  Their plan is to be married in August.  Since we haven't had the chance to meet Shannon yet (only through FaceTime) we are hoping to have the two of them and Zachary come out to see us at the end of the month when this semester ends and before they all begin their summer jobs. So congratulations to Matthew and Shannon!  WhoooHooo!!

Our second bit of news is that Scott and I will be extending our mission until the middle of January.  Originally we were scheduled to return on October 2nd, but we will be staying for about three more months.  Serving a mission here in Nauvoo has been such a joy and we hope to be able to continue to give the Lord our best efforts for an additional three months. 

Sunday night we were able to attend a mission fireside with Bishop W. Christopher Waddell of the Presiding Bishopric.  I learned so much from him about the Priesthood keys.  It is those keys that sets this church apart from any other church on the earth.  Because we have the Priesthood keys we have been blessed with the power to Gather Israel, seal families, and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  President Nelson holds all restored keys of the Priesthood.  Elder James E. Faust gave a talk in the October 1994 General Conference entitled, "The Keys That Never Rust" that is well worth reading, . I am grateful to belong to a church that claims the same Priesthood keys that were on the earth at the time of the Savior.  It's another way our Heavenly Father shows His love for us.

The night sky this week as I walked
along Partridge Street.

Spring flowers near the Homestead and
Smith Family Cemetery.

The barn behind the Sarah Granger Kimball home.
They're working on making it a place for larger
groups to gather for activities.

Looking from the barn south to Sarah Granger Kimball's home.
Congratulations to Matthew & Shannon!
Can't wait for August!

At Lincoln's Tomb:
Schmidts, us, Mensels, Robisons & Prettymans

Gotta do the Lincoln nose rub for good luck :0)

With the Schmidts at the museum.

Lincoln's home.
Yep, we've been here before :0)

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