Sunday, September 8, 2019

Another full week and a full heart.

A unique sunset over the Mississippi.

Each week as I write our blog post I feel like my experiences are way beyond either my vocabulary or my ability to express them.  My hope is that the spirit will convey what my words cannot.

It just seems like there is so much to learn and I can't get it all into my brain and into my heart!  I want to soak in every minute of life here in Nauvoo and understand more about the people who lived here, what made them so faithful and so dedicated.  I want to learn from the missionaries I serve with who have such a wealth of knowledge and life experience.  We have mission training almost every week from President Lusvardi and I want to apply the principles and doctrines he teaches us.  I honestly try, but I know I am missing so much.  Although I do know that if I keep trying to learn and apply Nauvoo's lessons that the Savior will make up the difference.  That's the only way.

This week we prepared to send our first group of sister missionaries home who had completed their missions.   It's the group that came to the mission field with us in April of 2018.  They have grown in their testimonies of the Savior and matured in their views of life.  It was sad to say goodbye to them but comforting as well to know that they will go on to their branches and wards so well prepared to serve and be a strength to others.  One of those bittersweet experiences of the mission.

For pday Scott and I took a quick drive out to Eldon, Iowa where the American Gothic house is that Grant Wood used in his painting.  See the pictures below to get the full story :0)

I just want to say thank you to so many who sent birthday wishes either through Facebook, email or texts.  I have the greatest friends and family and my heart really is full of gratitude for each of you. I miss you all but also know that serving the Lord on a mission is one of the best ways to celebrate a birthday :0)

Saturday and Sunday we had the opportunity to spend a little time with Elder Bruce & Sister Marie Hafen while they were here for a conference.  They recently published a book called "Faith is Not Blind".  The book helps us understand how to move past some of the complex times in our lives when we struggle with church doctrine, policy, or history and learn from those experiences that have tried our faith.  As a part of sharing their insights they are interviewing people who have had some struggle that tested their faith and were able to hang on tight, learn truth, come to some understanding and move forward.  My role in this was to simply coordinate who would be interviewed and when.  As I did my small part I could see the hand of the Lord at work. Hearts were touched.  The Hafens were gentle, patient and very gracious as they spent hours visiting with people.  I know my heart was changed as I watched them interact, love and inspire others.

A few other things I have learned and thought about this week:
·      The WORK is a blessing. And I love it.
·      The key to finding rest and renewal is to give ourselves wholly and wholeheartedly to God’s work and to His will.
·      What am I BECOMING because of this work?
·      Do I have my feet planted on the disciple’s path?
·       “When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.” – President Ezra Taft Benson
·      Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can learn from our mistakes instead of being condemned by them.
·      “Christ’s grace helps us move well beyond forgiveness toward BECOMING like Him.” – Elder Bruce Hafen

BECOMING...that word just keeps resurfacing. 

Pictures from this week's activities:

What a group!  This was taken last Sunday before the first group of sisters left that completed their missions.  By the end of October all of these sisters will have either finished their missions or will be gone to their outbound missions.  We love them each and have learned tremendous lessons from them.

This is the group that arrived in the mission field with us 18 months ago,
along with President & Sister Lusvardi.

And these are the sisters that arrived this past spring.  They are the ones who
will leave for their outbound service soon.

We love President & Sister Lusvardi.  They have taught us what it means
to be consecrated to the Lord and love with all your heart.

For pday we went to Eldon, Iowa to the
American Gothic house. 

This may look familiar. 
American Gothic, painted by Grant Wood.

Crump Gothic

Seriously? Fall leaves already?!

Can you see what's hidden in the tree?

A MASSIVE hornets nest!

Of course, where there's trains, there's Scott :0)

Wouldn't one of these in our backyard be so much fun?

A first for me, making bricks in the Brickyard.  I have served here
many times but it's always been on a Sunday and I've never had the
chance to actually make bricks. 

I'm officially part of this exclusive brick making group. 
What a way to spend my birthday...making bricks with Scott and
Sisters Gratton, Watkins, Decker and Froes!
"Building the Kingdom four bricks at a time."

Cutting the pug :0)

Hard at work hacking the bricks.

Using the air compressor to press the pug into the mold.
I'm a pro now, not.

Spending time with Elder Bruce & Sister Marie Hafen
on Saturday and Sunday was a highlight of the week.
They are kind, genuine and full of love.

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