Sunday, September 15, 2019

You never know...

I hope I never tire of Nauvoo sunsets.  They remind me of all that is right and good with the world.  They remind me of how much our Heavenly Father loves us. He's even willing to share is artistic talent with us :0)

"Have I done any good in the world today?"  We sang that song in church today.  Sometimes I think of that question and wonder if I've made much of a difference.  It’s easy to overlook the small and simple, the routine and regular, events in my life.  In Mission Training this week President Lusvardi spoke about someone he and his companion happened to meet in Argentina when he was a young missionary.  They shared a simple lesson taught on the porch of a home.  That lesson eventually lead to generations of baptisms, missionary service and temple marriages.  Could he have ever foreseen the impact that that one interaction would have?  It may have seemed routine and regular to him at the time.  But it has changed many lives, including his own.

You never know when someone
Will catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word,
Or something you may do,
Will open up the window
Of a mind that seeks the light.
The way you live may not matter at all.
But then again, it might.

And just in case it could be
That another’s life, through you,
Might possibly change for the better,
With a broader and brighter view,
It seems it might be worth a try
At pointing the way to what’s right.
Of course, it may not matter at all.   
But then again – it might.

I am grateful to have been richly blessed by the lives of others; by their examples of kindhearted service, the tender love and concern they share, and the heartfelt prayers they offer up to heaven. They do all of this without one thought of recognition or reward.  They do it because they love the Savior.  I so want to be like all of these people when I grow up!!

The six-horse hitch.  A sight to behold.

It was fun to ride on the wagon and watch these six horses work as a team, especially as they rounded a corner, pulling together.  Hmmm, I'm sure there's an object lesson in that somewhere :0)

We had a little bbq at the Parley Fire Pit with some from our MTC group,
and a few adoptees.

The Munns, Rollins, Thatchers, Paxmans, Pinettes and Robisons.

A beautiful night to just hang out...good food and great friends.

I love the view from the temple portico.

On pday we took a little trip to Macomb, Illinois.
This is the courthouse in the town square.

Western Illinois University, home of the Bulldogs.

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